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5 Benefits of Hair Spa and How to Do It Yourself at Home

5 Benefits of Hair Spa and How to Do It Yourself at Home

It has become common knowledge in modern skin and hair care routines that spa treatments can give a rejuvenating experience. Hair spa benefits rise above all, as you can see the effective results soon. The spa approach gives adequate nourishment and moisturisation to your hair and scalp. Whether you have dry, oily, damaged or unmanageable hair, the hair spa can offer you a one-stop solution to remedy these issues. 

Hair often sustains damage from environmental stress, hormonal imbalance due to stress and negligence due to the fast-paced lifestyle. Rejuvenating hair spas are not simply for healthy and beautiful hair; they also deliver a therapeutic experience for your body. At O3+, we offer a comprehensive hair spa kit that offers a deep nourishing effect and repair for hair fall control. 

Our spa kit includes O3+ Damage Remedy series hair shampoo, hair mask and hair serum. If you are not sure about how to go about it at home, read on to understand the benefits of a home hair spa and the procedures to follow for a spa-like experience. 

Top benefits of hair spa at home using the right combination of products in the kit

1> Improve hair and scalp nourishment and damage restoration

With regular hair spa uses, its effectiveness will reach the ore and unleash the spa's ability to nourish the hair and scalp. It can restore your damaged strands caused by environmental aggressors, heat styling practices and chemical treatments. Our well-designed hair spa kit is an integrated formula of essential vitamins, proteins and minerals that can replenish moisture to prevent dryness and repair split ends and damaged hair shafts. Our Damage Remedy Hair Spa Kit includes rich ingredients like argan oil, oats and rosemary extracts. It includes a deep moisturising conditioning mask powered with keratin, argan oil and shea butter. If you want to add more hydration and repair, treat your hair with hair serum. Use this at least twice a week to get the most benefits. 

2> Promote blood circulation in the scalp

The origin of your healthy hair commences at its roots. Therefore, prioritising scalp wellness is essential. With regular hair spa treatment, scalp blood circulation will improve and deliver nutrients more efficiently that will stimulate healthy hair growth. While doing hair spa treatment, use mild hair oil or hair essential oil to increase blood flow, and gently massage the scalp in circular motions first. This will make the spa hair kit work better for your scalp and promote a healthy scalp environment. Moreover, your hair strand roots will be stronger, resulting in shiny and smooth hair. 

3> Get rid of pollutants or product buildup

In order to get clean, rejuvenated strands, hair spa treatments at home detoxify and cleanse the hair and scalp, eliminating residue and pollutants. Dust, chemicals and dandruff can cause an imbalance in the pH of your scalp and create a toxic environment that is not healthy for stimulating hair follicles. The spa kit includes a detoxifying scalp cleansing shampoo to clear out all the grime and debris as it gently exfoliates the scalp. Then, the process will leave smooth, bouncy and revitalised hair. If you want to maintain your scalps and hair strands, use the spa treatment at least once a week. With a healthy scalp and hair, you will feel the best and be confident about your looks. 

4> Make it easier to manage and style hair

A dry and frizzy head full of hair can create a messy appearance whether you just woke up or getting ready for work. Hair spa treatment can improve your hair texture to reduce frizz and tame flyaways. As your hair shaft becomes stronger, you can best manage your hair, smoothening the strands to adapt versatile styles. 

5> Get any style done with damage-free hair

Stock your hair care regimen with our hair spa kit with a leave-in conditioner or styling cream to enhance your hair appearance. You don’t have to worry about hair breakage or damage due to lightweight solutions that offer your hair protection, hydration and thermal styling advantages. Your hair will be more manageable and resilient, making it responsive to your preferred styling method. 

What is the hair spa's step-by-step process for doing at home?

a> Start the procedure with an oil massage

When you start the hair spa at home, begin the treatment with scalp massage oil. Choose any nourishing oil, from coconut to argan oil, and massage it onto your scalp in a lukewarm state. Work it from the roots to the tips to stimulate blood circulation and moisturise the scalp. 

b> Steam your hair before rinsing it with lukewarm water

Now steam your locks to penetrate the oil treatment into hair follicles and scalp. Your hair will hydrate deeply and soften as the strands effectively absorb the nutrients. At home, you can either use a steam machine or wrap your hair with a hot towel. Then, rinse the hair with lukewarm water. 

c> Cleanse with a mild shampoo and moisturising conditioner 

Use our mild, sulphate-free shampoo in the spa kit formulated with oats, peas, rosemary, argan oil and organic leaves to give your scalp and hair a good cleanse and leave hair silky smooth. It's best to focus on the hair length rather than the roots to prevent them from weighing down. 

d> Nourish strands with a hair mask

Apply our nutritious hair mask to damp hair and spread it evenly. Keep them on for the time mentioned in the mask before rinsing off. It is among the crucial hair spa steps to deep condition your hair strands. 

e> Shield your hair strands with hair serum for moisture balance

Now, seal the moisture in your hair follicles and protect them from environmental damage by applying hair serum that balances the moisture. Our natural ingredient-rich serum can create a protective barrier and give a shiny finish. 

Summing Up!

With regular hair spas, your hair’s health, appearance, and manageability can all be greatly enhanced, and the results are gradual. Moreover, you can enjoy the relaxing sensations as they ensure healthy scalp function and hair strength. Now experience the spa-quality experience right at your home and have beautiful revitalised hair strands with the following easy steps. Check out our all-in-one hair spa kit and treat yourself to a healthier and happier hair spa today. 

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