An unfortunate skin problem that is not only limited to teenagers but beyond them too. Even if it’s been decades since you walked the corridors of your high school, it’s more than possible that you wake up with a red zit on your nose or a trickle of whiteheads across your cheeks.
Everyone experience some sort of acne in their lifetime, either stubborn or oily skin. But luckily, with the right skincare routine and right skincare products, you can prevent pigmentation forever.
In this blog, we’ll introduce you to such healthy routines for the acne-prone face. First, of all, it’s very important to stay consistent with the same skincare routine along with the products to prevent acne. According to dermatologists, switching products frequently and skipping the skincare steps, can increase the chances of popping acne. That means you are giving chance to your skin to adjust and breadth.
Read before Buy. Always read before applying acne removal cream and other preventive products on your face, make sure you're using formulas full of good ingredients.
How to Prevent Acne to Get Clear Skin?
To prevent acne, first take a look at the products you used on your face, infused ingredients, and so on. Acne-prone skin is super-sensitive, caring for acne-prone skin is about more than just applying blemish-busting products.
To treat acne or pigmentation, go for the salicylic acid to eliminate dead skin cells, benzoyl peroxide to kill bacteria, and alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) to do both while also eliminating skin irritation.
Scroll Down And Follow Our Step-By-Step Guide To Preventing Acne-
Step 1: Gently Exfoliate (Day & Night)
Exfoliation is a primary and very important skin care regime to get rid of acne. It deep cleanses the pores and removes unwanted pollutants and debris from the protective layer of our skin. Exfoliation is pretty much equal to clear skin. To get rid of acne, we must take care of our skin to stay from unwanted toxicants that eventually harm and increase the trickling of acne.
But remember, not to choose a cleanser that has hard exfoliates, it will cause irritation to your skin. People with oily skin, go with an oil-free cleanser whereas people with dry skin, glow with moisturized cleanser.
We recommend you check out Glycolic Acid Face Wash for dry skin and Face Tea Tree Wash for oily skin.

Step 2: Apply Toner (Day & Night)
Applying toner can cause huge benefits to your skin. This liquid-like skincare product would absorb rapidly to your skin giving a hydrated –fresh look all day long. It can help you to remove excess oil as well as left dead cells from the surface of your skin. Results, plumped, radiant, soft skin every day.
Although it depends on the toner and the infused ingredients, you are using. Toner will act as a double cleanser that will ultimately help you to prevent acne.
Apply it using a cotton pad and massage gently after cleansing. Leave it for at least 3-4 minutes before applying moisturizer to your face.
Check out Pore Clean Up Face Toner to eliminate impurities and reduces pore size.
Step 3: Apply Acne Treatment Cream or Medication (Day & Night)
It’s important to treat your acne with acne cream or medication. Depending on how severe your acne is, apply acne removal cream approved by the doctor for better and safer results. There are different topical acne treatments or medications available that you can get from the doctor too.
In severe cases, we recommend you to pay a visit to the dermatologist and then only choose acne cream. Because your skin is way too sensitive, don’t apply any such product which is not approved by the doctor.
Step 4: Apply Moisturizer (Day & Night)
No matter, whether you have sensitive acne, hormonal acne, or oily skin acne. Moisturizer is necessary to maintain the nourishment level of your skin. It will help the skin to produce the right amount of oil rather than too much of it. Acne-prone skin needs to be balanced as well as properly moisturized throughout the day.
In the morning, go for an oil-free SFP 15 moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated and protected from the harmful UV rays.
At the night, opt for an oil-free hydrating moisturizer that won't clog pores.